Swap in 每秒交换回内存 ; 每秒交换归内存 ; 记忆体
si swap in 页面物理内存放到交换内存
Swap All-in Rate 掉期全价
Swap Nodes in Pairs 交换序列中的结点 ; 交换链表相邻节点 ; 成对交换单链表的结点
How tears in swap 怎么眼泪都在掉
The "si" and "so" columns (swap-in and swap-out), are not even close to zero.
“si”和“so”栏(swap - in和swap - out)与零相去甚远。
Over the long term, a swap of some kind is clearly in the public interest.
I think I'll swap this sweater for one in another colour.
He was released in a U.S.-Soviet spy swap after serving 21 months.
VOA: standard.2010.05.07
On Monday,Iran formally notified the IAEA of its response to the nuclear-fuel swap deal, under which it would ship some low-enriched uranium to Turkey in return for higher grade fuel for a Tehran research reactor.
VOA: standard.2010.05.25