switch-hook flash 键钩闪现 ; 交换控制计算机
switch-hook 开关钩键
hook switch 挂钩开关 ; 挂断开关 ; 压簧开关 ; 钩键
switch hook Flash 交换机闪烁
Remote Hook Switch Input 挂机开关输入
HSINT HOOK SWITCH 翻盖接听再合上盖挂机 ; 翻盖接听再合上盖
HSINT Hook Switch Interruption 挂机中断请求信号
telephone hook switch 电话机构键
Huger added that Immunet's desktop client is not vulnerable to the argument-switch attacks because the company's software USES a different method to hook into the Windows kernel.
Pressure limit switch circuit is cut off, stop, and then closing, the hook can only decrease.