synthetic medium [材] 合成培养基 ; 培养基 ; 合成或综合培养基 ; 综合培养基
half synthetic medium 半合成培养基
semi-synthetic medium 半合成培养基
defined medium synthetic medium 合成培养基
modified model synthetic medium 改良模拟葡萄汁
synthetic medium defined medium 合成培养基
symi-synthetic medium 半合成培养基
model synthetic medium 模拟葡萄汁
Synthetic Potato Medium 综合马铃薯培养基
Clostridium Pasreurianum Synthetic Medium 巴氏梭状芽孢杆菌合成培养基
In forward modeling, the scatter and absorption of electromagnetic wave in medium are considered, which brings realer synthetic section.
It shows that the synthetic fiber medium, possessing small compressibility and stable resistance behavior, is a good substitute for the board media.
Hydrophilic characteristics are imparted to hydrophobic synthetic substrates, such as polyester fibers, by incubating a culture medium with Acetobacter bacterium in the presence of the substrate.