主机工作时间(System active time):此为显示FVR360 目前已经开机的时间。 目前正确时间(Current time):此为显示FVR360 目前正确时间,但是必须注意,您需要正确设...
attacker system inter-active time 攻击者系统接触时间
For each dispatcher registered in the target system, the configuration and activity will be logged, saving information such as time taken to connect, number of active processes and request duration.
On a server with many active network connections, a large TCB table can reduce the amount of time that the system spends to locate a particular TCB.
在具有许多活动网络连接的服务器上,大型 TCB 表可以降低系统定位特定 TCB 的时间开销。
You do this to see which routes the system has stored that may go active at boot time, but it's inconvenient.