主要包括以下这么多种: 系统组件 ( System Component )中央处理器 Central Processing Unit(CPU)是一部电脑的核心,负责资料处理及发放命令到电脑各部份,所以电脑速度的快慢,大部份取决...
... frequency component频率分量 system component系统组件;系统单元 structural component结构零件;结构组件;结构部件 ...
...以一个应用程式,将视窗盖在 Dashboard 之上,所以势必要放弃 0.6.3 那种将所有的使用者介面都写在系统元件(System Component)的架构,而另外写一个 UI Display Server 负责各种介面。
system component test 系统部件测试
power system component failures 电力系统部件故障
operating system component [计] 操作系统成分
target system component 目标系统成分
air system component 空气系统部件
system component fault 系统零件缺陷
brake system component 制动系统部件
compressed air system component 压缩空气系统部件
steering system component 转向系统部件
This system component is a Win32 DLL named aspnet_isapi.dll.
这个系统组件是一个名为aspnet _ isapi . dll的win32 dll。
Figure 7: Project team member assignment of artifacts colored by system component.
If activity of any system component is increasing throughout the test run, the system has not reached steady state.
You just need a few macroscopic variables that are very familiar to you, like the pressure, the temperature, the volume, the number of moles of each component, the mass of the system.
So I can make a quantity that I'll call V bar, which is the molar volume, the volume of one mole of a component in my system, and that becomes an intensive quantity.
You need to know if it's an equilibrium, and you also need to know how many components you have in your system So, a glass of ice water with an ice cube in it, which is a heterogeneous system, has only one component, which is water, H2O.