... — 维护者 — 王小林 版本更新记录 维护日期 — 2001/02/26 — 账本格式维护 维护纪要 2.现有系统描述(System in Existence) .现有系统描述 2.1 组织结构与职责 (Organizing Framework and Function) 将用户的组织结构逐层详细描述,建议采用树状 的组...
The research on the remote fault-diagnosis system in existence is often centered on the diagnosis model and method.
This paper educed the necessity of multiuser detection by analysis the advantages and problems of the DS-CDMA system in existence.
本文从DS—CD MA的优势和存在的问题出发,引出了多用户检测的必要性。
It can superinduce the real feeling during the driving simulation, which is the particular characteristic of the newfashioned training system distinguished from the training system in existence.