... 细胞器生源论(Organelle Biogenesis and Function 理科教育(Science Education) 系统与计算生物学(Systems and Computational Biology) ...
Computational and Systems Biology 计算与系统生物学 ; 系统生物学 ; 计算和系统生物学
Systems Biology and Computational Biology 系统生物学与计算生物学
Bio-Systems Engineering and Computational Biology 生物系统工程和计算生物学
Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology 生物信息学和计算系统生物学
The course focuses on casting contemporary problems in systems biology and functional genomics in computational terms and providing appropriate tools and methods to solve them.
This course focuses on casting contemporary problems in systems biology and functional genomics in computational terms and providing appropriate tools and methods to solve them.