免疫反应的基本过程 也是免疫效应细胞,能杀死细菌和肿瘤细胞,引起组织损伤,而参与免疫反应的传出支。T细胞按其功能又分为T辅助细胞(T-helper cell,Th),T抑制细胞(T-suppressor cell,Ts)和细胞毒T细胞(T-cytotoxic ce
T helper cell 辅助性T细胞 ; 细胞 ; 辅助性t淋巴细胞
T helper cell subsets T辅助细胞亚群 ; TH亚群
Helper T cell 细胞 ; 辅助性T细胞 ; 辅助T细胞 ; 辅助T
t helper- cell th2细胞
Th T helper cell 辅助性
t helper cell clones th细胞克隆
t-helper-cell subset t辅助细胞亚群
t helper cell subset t辅助细胞亚群
t helper cell subgroups t辅助细胞亚群
以上来源于: WordNet
Both "helper" (CD4) and "cytotoxic" (CD8) T-cell classes have been described.
Antibody production that is stimulated through increased helper T-cell function can activate complement.
The CD4 + test directly measures the abundance of the helper t cell, an of immune cell in the bloodstream distinguishable because they are the only ones that carry the CD4 marker.
CD 4 +试验直接检测辅助型T细胞数量。辅助型T细胞是血流中可分辨的免疫细胞中的一种,因为只有他们才具有CD 4标志物。
The antigen has to be presented to helper T-cells, those helper T-cells have to stimulate a B-cell population to both proliferate and differentiate.