... 矿物 mineral 采掘矿物 extract minerals; 金属矿物 metallic minerals; 稀有矿物 rare mineral ... 餐用矿泉水。 table-water 退火用矿粉 annealing ore ...
water table 潜水面 ; 地下水位 ; 地下水面 ; 水表
table water aquifer 潜水含水层
Table Water 饮用水 ; 地下水面 ; 食用矿泉水
drinking water table-water 饮用水
perched water table 滞水面 ; 栖留潜水面 ; 栖留地下水位 ; 滞水台
high water table pond 高水位池塘
water-table gradient 地下水面坡度 ; 地下水面比降
the table-water 生活用水
city table-water 城市饮用水
The water table is the underground boundary below which all the cracks and pores are filled with water.
Above the water table is the vadose zone, through which rainwater percolates.
Water in the vadose zone drains down to the water table, leaving behind a thin coating of water on mineral grains.