... 不疯魔,不成活 absurd,surreal,bizarre 专做字面文章 take it literally 创造产品百变神话 change the product ...
"I don't expect people to take it literally," he said.
You can't fight automaticity, and you wouldn't want to: "living more consciously" might be a new-age cliche, but take it literally and you'd soon seize up.
I felt awkward asking patients to literally take a placebo. But to my surprise, it seemed to work for many of them.
So things break if you try-- if the computer tries to take you too literally so it would not be correct generally to do something like that.
But we also saw it's a dangerous idea to take too literally: that sometimes this can get you to over think the problem and actually, as in that numbers game last time, the best choice, the winning choice, might not involve so many rounds.