It deserve to take notice that the content of PDG declined after Fahan.
Take notice that it is at this point that I no longer am dependent on my wages. If I quit my job today, I would be able to cover my monthly expenses with the cash flow from my assets.
"We understand the environment, but these days, in all the gloom and doom of the news, we want to have people take notice and realize that they need to have some fun," she said.
So let's take a look down here at what I'm doing and notice here that this is perhaps more compelling; right?
You'll notice too from the syllabus that we don't only read these books; we also take up contemporary, political, and legal controversies that raise philosophical questions.
Well I need to take that number and I'm going to turn it into a string. So notice what I'm going to do right here. I take that number and convert it into a string. That's an example of that type conversion we did earlier on. By doing that it makes it possible for me to treat it as an ordered sequence of characters.