take-off angle 出射角 ; 离源角 ; 接收角
TOA Take off Angle 发射角〖天线
power take-off angle 功率输出角
X-ray take-off angle X射线掠出角
the best take off angle 最佳腾起角
take-off angle of electron 电子出射角
angle of take-off 起跳角度
To get the ball under the bar, they must learn to aim slightly lower than normal, reducing the ball's take-off Angle by around half a degree.
“Most aerodynamic things take off at very gradual angles, but this has a very striking, very powerful lift angle, ” Swartzlander says.
Swartzlander says:“大多数空气动力装置起飞的角度很平缓;而这样的装置起飞时角度变化非常剧烈,非常惊人。”
The take-off leg knee joint, hip joint Angle when they get to the board and the most keen Angle in the take-off process are all smaller than those of high level female long jumpers.