WenXiLi recently XiaoDeRong go close with, with XiaoDeRong play golf, talk about some work.
Seeing this as an opportunity to possible earn some extra money, we exchanged number and he promised to call me the next week to talk about opportunities for some part-time work with his company.
After some hearty talk about hard work behind bars, and siphoning off drug addicts and the mentally ill for treatment outside prison, Mr Clarke gets to the nub of it.
Also, you'll probably meet some really nice folks who are more than happy to talk about their work.
But I try to talk about it a little bit more in some of my recent work.
I want to end this lecture summing up, drawing a lot upon Milgram and some other work, and talk first about two forces for evil and then to end by talking about two forces for good.
We are going to take a brief break, and when we come back, we are gonna talk about some of Professor Katz's work on a class that happened last year called the just universities.