... 1. Introduce yourself and your hometown介绍本人及家乡 2. Talk about your hobbies介绍个人兴趣爱好 3. Find your partner找到一个伙伴 ...
Nancy:This is another important question in a job interview. You should use this time to talk about your hobbies or leisure activities, like sports, games, movies, and reading.
Remember some of the phrases you can use when you talk about your hobbies / hobbies or interests / interests : the things you do in your free time / free time or spare time / spare time, e.g.
记住在你谈论hobbies /爱好或者 interests /兴趣,即你在free time /业余时间做的事情时能够用到的一些短语。
Smith: Now let's talk about your interests and hobbies.