tank circuit inductance 振荡回路电感
dead tank circuit-breaker 落地罐式断路器 ; 外壳接地断路器 ; 接地箱壳式断路器
live tank circuit-breaker 瓷柱式断路器 ; 外壳带电断路器
electronic energy tank circuit 电子能量谐振电路
tank circuit factor 谐振电路品质因数
parallel-rod tank circuit 平行杆振荡槽路
lc tank circuit lc谐振回路
tank circuit q 槽路品质因数
Using LC tank circuit as the load of modified XOR, the frequency component desired can be extracted out.
The current calculation to the voltage plateau width of RF-SQUID tank circuit volt-ampere curve has been discussed in the paper. A proper calculating method is suggested.
本文讨论了通常RF - SQUID谐振电路伏安曲线上电压平台宽度计算中的问题,并提出了一种比较合理的计算方法。
The current calculation to the voltage plateau width of RF-SQUID tank circuit volt - ampere curve has been discussed in the paper. A proper calculating method is suggested.
本文讨论了通常RF - SQUID谐振电路伏安曲线上电压平台宽度计算中的问题,并提出了一种比较合理的计算方法。