targets of transcription factors » 副本的目标析因 The best title for this passage might be Next Hot language to study:spanish » 最好的标题,这篇文章可能是下一个热点研究:...
Fax No: » 传真号码: targets of transcription factors » 转录因子的目标 you know,it was found out that a lot of air pollution is actually » 你知道,它是发现了大量的空气污染实际上是 ..
Singing changes expression for over 800 genes in the song control center, including ones that alter the expression of transcription factors and their targets.
Many transcription factors are important MAPK targets, and zinc finger protein is one of them.
The active complex of cyclin D/CDK4 targets the retinoblastoma protein for phosphorylation, allowing the release of E2F transcription factors that activate G1/S-phase gene expression (3).
活跃的cyclin D/CDK4复合体靶向视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白以利于磷酸化,促进可以激活G1/S期基因表达的转录因子E2F的释放(3)。