Tariff Act of 年关税法 ; 年美国关税法 ; 年关税法案
Customs Tariff Act 海关税法 ; 海关关税法
Underwood Tariff Act 安德伍德关税法
wilsongorman tariff act 威尔逊戈尔曼关税法
fordneymccumber tariff act 福德尼麦坎伯关税法
Underwood d Tariff Act 安德伍德关税法
Dingley Tariff Act 丁利关税法
walker tariff act 沃克关税法
American Tariff Act 美国关税法
In the Smoot-Hawley tariff Act [of 1930] we raised our tariffs.
Mr Irwin reckons that the Tariff Act raised duties by 20%; deflation accounted for half as much again.
In the end, the court ruled that a tomato is a vegetable when referring to the Tariff Act, but is botanically a fruit.