泰山的原著是英国小说家艾格莱斯布洛(Edgar Rice Burroughs) 1912年所发表的,原名『 人猿泰山 』( Tarzan of the Apes ),这故事记录了一个在非洲雨林,幼年的人类生活在猿猴之间,他与猿族的外表差异使他自幼就充满自卑感,他嘴巴太小,鼻子太窄,眼...
... 英文版 改变工作场所的工具 LeadershipbytheBooK ◤五钻信誉◥ 英文版 人猿泰山 Tarzan of the Apes 英文版 从麦当劳学到的管理 The 7 Leadership Principles ...
以上来源于: WordNet
The lowest branch was just within my grasp, so up I went the Tarzan of the Apes of Van Nostrand Avenue.
The lowest branch was just within my grasp, so up I went - the Tarzan of the Apes of Van Nostrand Avenue.
Tarzan is a fictional character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs & first appeared in the 1912 novel Tarzan of the Apes and then in twenty-three sequels.
是根据英国著名小说家艾格莱斯布洛的原著重新改编,成为兼具创意与娱乐性的最新动画 电影 。