tax saving [税收] 节税
tax-saving spot 节税点
tax saving lease 节税租赁
tax saving design 纳税方案设计
tax saving effect 节税效果
tax saving benefit 节税收益
tax saving behavior 节税行为
ways of tax saving 节税途径
It explains the conception and characteristics of tax-planning, tells us the history of its development at home and abroad, and compares tax planning with tax-saving, tax-evading, tax-escaping, tax-dodging and tax-refusing, which makes readers recognize tax planning basically.
参考来源 - 纳税人企业所得税筹划研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The first and biggest of these foundations was set up in 1917 by childless Knut Wallenberg as a tax-saving way to keep the family wealth together.
这些基金会中最早也是最大的一个是由无嗣的纳特·瓦伦堡(Knut Wallenberg)在1917年创立的,以一种节税的方式来保全家族财富不会分散。
For total consideration, we will include the financial benefit, tax saving, employee morale, training, cash flow etc. to consider the ROI and P&L of a system.
So here are few advices and tips on tax saving in India.