equalize tax burdens 平等税赋
rate of tax burdens 赋税负担率
Rural Tax Burdens 农民负担
export tax burdens 输出税负
reduce tax burdens 税负只减不增
The local government is good at using the discriminative income policy to expand income through increasing the tax burden of these taxpayers who are insensitive to their tax burdens or having no chance to move away.
参考来源 - 中国地方政府收入行为与地方收入制度优化研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Tax burdens on the rich have fallen (see chart 1).
Much depends on where countries start; it should be easier for those with lower tax burdens to increase their take.
Some economists argue that higher taxes on tobacco are undesirable because the tax burdens fall more heavily on the poor.