organization tax [税收] 开办税 ; 开办登记费
international tax organization 国际税务组织 ; 国际税收组织
tax organization structure 税务组织结构
tax-organization-stratum system 赋役保甲等级制
Tax-exemption Organization 免税组织
corporate organization tax [税收] 公司组织税
But with a corporate tax rate of 39.2 percent (when combining state and federal taxes), the United States would find itself taxing businesses more than any of the other nations in the organization.
The tax competition argument is always continuous ever since 1998 the Economic Organization put forward "harmful tax competition: a global problem" report.
Companies can choose to lower the tax rate of the country to contribute, but also to the high tax rate of the country's organization of the transfer of profits to low tax countries.