肠易激综合征与胃肠激素的相关性研究,医学论文,相关性,研究,IBS,患者,腹泻, 关键词】 肠易激综合征;胃肠激素;中医证型;综述本文由中国论文范文收集整理。 [gap=361]Key words:IIS;gastro?intestinal hormone;TCM types;review
differentiation of tcm types 中医分型
TCM syndrome types 中医证型
tcm sign types 中医证型
tcm pattern types 中医分型
TCM constitutional types 中医体质类型
To explore the changes of sub-group of T-lymphocyte in different TCM types of senile diabetes.
Our study indicates that there is a strong correlation between the TCM types of asthma and microcosmic index.
Results: The total effective rates of the three different TCM types were 91.67%, 90% and 93.75% respectively without severe side effects.
结果:发现本方对血热动血型、气不摄血型、阴虚火旺型的总有效率分别为91.67%、90 %和93.75% ,未见不良反应。