拖动滑竿从中找到远程桌面(TCP-In),右键单击该项选择属性打开其设置面板。在常规标签页下可以看到默认选中Allow the conner(允许连接),我们选中Allow the connec...
Assuming all goes well, you should see the results in the TCP GUI in Figure 4, and the client output in Figure 5.
如果一切顺利,您该看到图4中tcp GUI的结果,以及图5中客户端的输出。
There may be several competing solutions (e.g., UDP versus TCP in communications) and a range of configurable choices for each solution (e.g., 10 threads versus 50 threads in a process architecture).
可能会有若干有竞争的解决方案(举例来说,通信中的 UDP 对 TCP)和大量的对于每个解决方案的可配置选择(举例来说,进程架构中的 10 线程 对 50 个线程)。
TCP further provides the port abstraction, which enables a host to open multiple TCP connections in parallel.
TCP 进一步提供了端口抽取功能,这使得主机可以并行地打开多个 TCP 连接。