Teaching method 教学方法 ; 教学手段
Traditional Teaching Method 传统教育方式 ; 传统教学方式 ; 传统教学方法 ; 传统教学法
case teaching method 案例教学法 ; 案例式教学法 ; 教学法 ; 和案例教学法
project teaching method 项目教学法 ; 设计教学法
Situational Teaching Method 情景教学法 ; 情景教学 ; 情境教学法 ; 情景式教学
enrich the teaching method 丰富教育手段
incidental teaching method 随机教学法 ; 偶发教学法
Task-based teaching method 任务型教学法 ; 任务教学法 ; 任务型教学模式 ; 任务型教学
item teaching method 项目教学法 ; 项目
accidental teaching method 随机教学法 ; 偶然教学法 ; 偶发教学法
There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history.
Despite some complaints about the virtual teaching method, administrators said e-learning LABS were here to stay. And nationally, blending learning has already caught on in some areas.
Despite some complaints about the virtual teaching method, administrators said e-learning LABS were here to stay.