resistive tearing instability 阻性撕裂不稳定性
collisionless tearing instability [等离子] 无碰撞撕裂不稳定性
tearing mode instability [等离子] 撕裂模不稳定性
resistive tearing mode instability 电阻撕裂模不稳定性
collisionless tearing mode instability [等离子] 无碰撞撕裂不稳定性
vortex induced tearing mode instability 涡旋撕裂模不稳定性
The influence of shear flow along the magnetic field accompanied with a plane current layer on the tearing instability is analyzed.
The characteristic time for the formation of magnetic islands is much longer than that of nonlinear saturation of magnetic islands caused by the streaming tearing instability.
The disruption, which was induced by tearing mode instability was delayed or avoided.