...以学校形式进行的)一词,源自于1974 年联合国教科文 组织建议使用的“技术和职业教育”(technical and vocational education)这一综合性术语,与《职 业教育法》中规定的“职业学校教育”同义。
本课题所指"职业教育",与联合国教科文组织的"技术与职业教育"(Technical and Vocational Education)一致.按照汉语大词典的解释,基本问题是指"根本的、主要的需要研究讨论并加以解决的矛盾",本研究中的基本问题指职业教育问题中自在...
对当前高职院校古生物地史学教学的几点思考_教育教学论文 关键词 高职高专 教学质量 实践教学 [gap=701]Key wordshigher technical and vocational education; teaching quality; practical teaching
technical and vocational education system 技职体系
part-time technical and vocational education 业余职业技术教育
Vocational and Technical Education 职业技术教育 ; 职业技术教育学 ; 职业及技术教育
full-time technical and vocational education 全日制技术和职业教育
Technical and Vocational Education Training 技术与职业教育培训
higher vocational and technical education 高等职业技术教育 ; 高职教育
Chinese Vocational and Technical Education 情感在教育教学中的运用 ; 英国国家职业资格证书制度在我国的引进 ; 中国职业技术教育 ; 我院网络课程建设的实践
Jilin Vocational and Technical Education 吉林交通职业技术学院
This digital library consists of 230 selected UNESCO publications and documents in Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
This research is a part of "Laboring technical and vocational education study for the handicapped children", the national education research project in 1995~1999.
Worldwide, countries are devoted to the promotion of technical and vocational education, since experts believe that skill training enhances productivity and sustains competitiveness in global economy.