Bell Telephone Company 贝尔电话公司
Happy Telephone Company 快乐手机公司 ; 快乐
national telephone company 国家电话公司
Contacting the telephone company 联系安装电话
the Bell Telephone company 贝尔电话公司
New York Telephone Company 纽约电话公司
the Danish telephone company 丹麦电话公司
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company 西南贝尔电话公司
When there was only one telephone company, what Ma Bell did defined how things were.
In recent history, the basis of telephone company value has been the sharing of scarce resources — wires, switches, etc. - to create premium-priced services.
As Indian companies juggle their pricey foreign acquisitions, the country's largest telephone company embarks on the biggest shopping expedition of them all.