Load Variables ("makeit.asp", 2, vars=GET) 调用 makeit.asp 并接收返回的变量 Tell Target 指定目标对象 Target: 目标对象 ..
To tell Xcode which provisioning profile to use, open your Xcode project, open the Target build Settings, and scroll down to code Signing.
要告诉X code使用哪个Provisioning profile,打开Xcode项目,打开Target build settings,滚动到code Signing。
Based on the information in the routing table that your host USES, route get will tell you the gateway the packets will be routed to when leaving your host on the way to the target.
根据主机使用的路由表中的信息,route get会指出数据包在从您的主机发送到目标主机时将路由到哪个网关。
Tell me, dear, why can I Pierce any target I will, but not my love 's heart.