温带草原 (temperate grassland)是温带半干燥气候区发育的地带性植被。这一地区年变化很大,降水集中于夏季,降水量约为200-500毫米,土壤水分经常处于短缺状态。
native temperate grassland 原生草原
warm-temperate grassland 暖温型草原
Chinese temperate grassland 中国温带草地
temperate grassland desertification 温带草原荒漠化
temperate marsh grassland 温带沼泽草地
Temperate Typical Grassland 温带典型草原
temperate desert grassland 温性荒漠草地
VOC emitted from temperate grassland vegetation to some extent affect the total biogenic VOC emission in view of its distribution area or region, although its emission potential is relatively less than those of other vegetation types.
参考来源 - 锡林河流域温带草地植物VOC释放及其对草地生态系统碳循环的贡献·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Heng Mts., Shanxi is located in the ecotone of temperate grassland zone and warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest zone according to China Vegetation Regionalization.
Hengshan Mts, Shanxi, is located in the ecotone between temperate grassland zone and warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest zone according to the result of China vegetation regionalization.
Grassland is located in a temperate climate region a high degree of environment.