通讯工程专业英语词汇翻译 ... 等效噪声温度 temperature, equivialent noise 凯文温度 temperature, Kelvin 噪声温度 temperature, noise ...
Kelvin temperature scale 开氏温标 ; 克氏温度标 ; 克耳文温标 ; 凯氏温标
kelvin temperature 开氏温度 ; 绝对温度 ; 开尔文温度 ; 开耳芬温度
Kelvin Absolute Temperature Scale 开氏绝对温标
international practical Kelvin temperature 国际实用开尔文温度
thermodynamic Kelvin temperature scale 热力学开氏温标
Kelvin n temperature 开尔文温度 ; 开氏温度
Kelvin n temperature scale 开氏温标
kelvin color temperature scale 开尔文色温标度
To provide sharp contrast in workspaces and under reading lamps, buy a CFL labeled “daylight, ” or with a higher Kelvin temperature.
We increase the temperature by this much, - so many degrees Kelvin or degrees centigrade - that's the same and then this is the number of calories that you have to put in there.
So now if I put sugar in the water, and I follow my diagram here, what I find is that the new melting point of water T1 is some new temperature t, T1, where T1 is less than 273 degrees Kelvin.
现在,如果我在水中放上糖,按照我的相图,我会发现水的熔点变成一个,新的温度,这里T 1小于273开尔文。
OK, for most gases, T inversion is much 300K greater than 300 degrees Kelvin. Much greater than room temperature.
So, this temperature, this absolute zero here, which is absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.
f So we have now temperature in degrees Kelvin.