宙斯神殿(Temple of Zeus):公元前五世纪开发的远大建筑,精美杰作及领域并不亚于雅典卫城上的巴特农神殿,是现代的世界七大奇迹之一,现今奥运圣火也是到...
The Temple of Zeus 宙斯神庙 ; 奥林匹亚的宙斯神庙 ; 宙斯神殿
Temple of Zeus at Olympia 宙斯神庙
Temple of Olympian Zeus 奥林匹亚宙斯神庙 ; 宙斯神殿 ; 宙斯神庙 ; 宙斯庙
the temple of olympian zeus 奥林匹亚宙斯神殿 ; 宙斯神殿 ; 宙斯神庙
Temple of the Olympian Zeus 宙斯神殿 ; 奥林匹亚宙斯神庙
Temple of Olympia Zeus 奥林匹亚宙斯神殿
Temple of Olympic Zeus 奥林匹克宙斯神庙
Temple of Olympion Zeus 奥林匹亚宙斯神殿
Temple of Olympius Zeus 奥林匹亚宙斯神殿
I went to the Olympics and the temple of Zeus, Olympia, the temple of Zeus and hadrian arch stands on the same great platform.
His big break came during the Olympic Games, when he stood up in the temple of Zeus and declaimed his "Histories" to the wealthy, influential crowd.
13the priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates because he and the crowd wanted to offer sacrifices to them.