浅谈体育全球化的西方化倾向分析学科教育_论文发表投稿中心-原上草论文网 关键词:体育;全球化;西方化;倾向 [gap=582]keyword:Sports;Globalization;Westernization;Tendency
page.1.技术性贸易壁垒的现状、发展趋势及其应对(12000字)_国际贸易论文 关键词:技术性贸易壁垒;通报;趋势;措施 [gap=691]Key words:technical trade barriers;notification;tendency;measure
Central tendency [统计] 集中趋势 ; 集中趋 ; 中心趋势
development tendency 发展趋势 ; 发展趋向 ; 发铺趋势
tendency to sth 趋向 ; 趋势 ; 趋于
BELASCO TENDENCY 贝拉斯柯风格 ; 历史上用来形容舞台艺术中外观拟真的术语 ; 贝拉斯柯气势派头
dispersion tendency 离中趋势 ; 第六节差异数 ; 离散趋势 ; 第六节
bleeding tendency 出血倾向 ; 出血素质
SHOT TENDENCY 投篮趋向 ; 投篮倾向 ; 投篮出手率
Under the above tendency, there is also a new problem our country.
参考来源 - 我国通货紧缩研究Under the global financial crisis, to analyze the tendency of macro economy and recent situation and adjusting policies for economy is of significance.
参考来源 - 论中国可接受的产出缺口区间与宏观经济走势—《改革与战略》—2009年第3期—龙源期刊网Besides,the diurnal change of AOD has the same tendency as that of the atmospheric stability.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区The authors consider that the demand and tendency of consumers cause the differentiation of function about spatial structure of retail.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区The fourth part of elaboration penalty evolution basic tendency.
参考来源 - 刑罚进化论纲(研究生论文)This new mode of ideal of law conforms to the general tendency of the society and gradually grows into an international trend, which has aroused a wide range of attention from China’s academic and judicatory circle.
参考来源 - 论刑事和解制度(研究生论文)Our Country is in the period of reforming that there inevitably happened conflict between right to report news and citizens’right of reputation and privacy and national judicial authority, national security, and media tort cases is showing an increasing tendency.
我国正处在社会转型期,新闻报道权在运行中不可避免地与公民的名誉权、隐私权,国家的审判权,国家安全等发生冲突。 近年来,新闻侵权案呈上升态势。
参考来源 - 新闻报道权研究And what are the reasons to the tendency and change?
参考来源 - 我国媒体医疗纠纷报道的话语变迁与话语倾向A kind of confluent tendency also appeared in the three juniors .
参考来源 - 中国现代小说中的心理描述系统·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"a tendency to be too strict"
同义词: inclination disposition
同义词: leaning propensity
"fabric with a tendency to shrink"
同义词: inclination
"the shoreward tendency of the current"
同义词: trend
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A tendency is a worrying or unpleasant habit or action that keeps occurring. 倾向
...the government's tendency to secrecy in recent years.
N-COUNT A tendency is a part of your character that makes you often behave in an unpleasant or worrying way. (性格方面不好的) 倾向
He is spoiled, arrogant and has a tendency toward snobbery.