【关键词】 紧张性头痛; 养血清脑颗粒; 临床疗 紧张性头痛(tension-type headache,TTH)是神经科门诊、急诊中常见的疾病之一,该病病因尚未完全明了,临床上亦无公认的较为有效的治疗药物。
chronic tension-type headache 慢性紧张型头痛 ; 慢性紧缩型头痛 ; 慢性张力型头痛 ; 比慢性紧缩型头痛
Probable chronic tension-type headache 可能慢性紧张型头痛
Probable tension-type headache 可能紧张型头痛
Frequent episodic tension-type headache 频发复发性紧张性头痛
Chronic tension type headache 慢性紧张型头痛 ; 和慢性紧张型头痛
infrequent episodic tension-type headache 发作性紧张型头痛 ; 少发复发性紧张性头痛
Probable frequent episodic tension-type headache 可能频发复发性紧张性头痛
Episodic tension-type headache 发作性紧张型头痛
Conclusion: The treatment efficacy with mixed using internal and external way on tension-type headache over college students is effective.
参考来源 - 内外合治大学生紧张型头痛的临床疗效观察—《中国当代医药》—2010年第14期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
These factors may have confounded the specific efficacy of botulinum toxin for chronic tension-type headache.
AIM: To observe the efficacy and safety of venlafaxine capsules in the treatment of the chronic tension-type headache.
Finally, the patient population selected may not have been optimal for a trial of botulinum toxin for chronic tension-type headache.