天幕毛虫黄褐天幕毛虫(tent caterpillar) 年生一代,以小幼虫在卵壳内越冬。春季花木发芽时,幼虫钻出卵壳,为害嫩叶,以后转移到枝杈处吐丝张网,白天群集在网幕中,晚...
forest tent caterpillar 森林天幕毛虫
eastern tent caterpillar [植保] 东方天幕毛虫
California tent caterpillar 加州天幕毛虫
great basin tent caterpillar [昆] 大盘天幕毛虫
tent caterpillar moth 天幕毛虫蛾
apple tent caterpillar 苹果幕毛虫
prairie tent caterpillar 大草原天幕毛虫
pacific tent caterpillar 太平洋天幕毛虫
western tent caterpillar 加洲天幕毛虫
以上来源于: WordNet
N the larva of various moths of the family Lasiocampidae, esp Malacosoma americana of North America, which build communal webs in trees 网居幼虫