...复位JTAG的状态机和内部的宏单元(Macro cell) TDI(5脚):数据输入信号 TMS(7脚): 测试模式选择(Test Mode Select),通过TMS信号控制JTAG状态机的状态 TCK(9脚) :JTAG的时钟信号 TDO(11脚) :数据输出信号 NC(12脚):未连接 4.4...
Loopback Test Mode Select 环回测试模式选择 ; 回送测试方式精选
TMS Test Mode Select J-TAG 测试模式选择
Test-Mode Select 测试方式选择 ; 测试模式选择
If they have multiple test cases that will be run on the same platforms, they can select multiple configurations simultaneously and apply the configurations to several of them in batch mode.
You can also select multiple modules and test all of them in attach mode, or add additional modules to the integration test client configuration as we mentioned in the Testing modules section.
Based on the different way to select sample, test case can be divided into contract-mode, authority-mode and mixed mode.