联合收割机季前准备与试运行-其它工学论文-论文联盟 关键词联合收割机;季前;准备;试运行 [gap=337]Key wordscombine harvester;before operation;preparation;test run
运转”试验方案 экспериментальная программа "Он-Стрим" 运转; 试车; 试飞 test run 运转协调、灵活高效的行政管理体系。
文章详细信息 关键词: 提升设备;;安装方法;;试运转 [gap=387]Keywords: hoist equipment,installation methods,test run
测试包的执行(包括结果)就是测试运行(test run)。 测试计划(test plan)是指为进行测试所准备的文档,它解释了测试方法,包括工作计划,一般过程,对测试设计的解释等等。
Test run failed 运行失败 ; 运行错误运行失败
guarantee test run 保证试运转
The Test Run 前期测试 ; 后期测试
commissioning test run 投料试生产 ; 投料生产
performance test run procedure 性能考核程序 ; 生产考核程序
project test run procedure 项目开车程序 ; 项目试车程序
performance test run 性能考核
Solo test run 单机试车
Sonic Test Run 音速小子卡牌格斗
N-COUNT If you give a machine or system a test run, you try it out to see if it will work correctly when it is actually in use. 试运行
If you're worried about taking classes one after another in different buildings, a quick test run won't hurt.
Time: Total time of the load test run.
Each row shows the results for a test run.
All right. So we've got it now let's test it. So we're going to do here we're going to run compare methods.
I should really just put it in a nice test harness, where I run 100, 200, 1,000 trials, but I didn't want to bore you with that here.
That was the kind of thing you saw. Asserts said here are some conditions to test. If they're true, I'm going to let the rest of the code run.