文本内容、非文本内容、非文本:text content,non-text content,non-text 文本检说统:text retrieval system 文本管理系统:TMS Text Management System ..
...TRS 是英文Text Retrieval System(文本检索系统)的缩写,据说是全文检索、搜索引擎、内容管理及知识管理核心技术和产品的统一,入选2008年度国家规划布局内重点软件企业,做某些...
full text retrieval system 全文检索系统
trs text retrieval system trs全文检索系统
current text retrieval system 现行文本检索系统
full -text retrieval system 全文检索系统
web full-text retrieval system web全文检索系统
archives full-text retrieval system 档案全文检索系统
text data retrieval system 文本数据检索系统
text information retrieval system 正文信息检索系统
full-text document-retrieval system 全文文献检索系统
The design and implementation of Structured Text Retrieval System is introduced in this paper.
By actual examples, the authors discuss the realization of a Chinese full-text retrieval system based on mixed indexing. 3 figs. 4 tabs. 5 refs.
The paper introduces the function and capability of TRS (Text Retrieval System), and describes the process and method of special-topics database of our library with TRS.