这场中甲联赛第21轮的比赛前,日之泉队比富(Than the rich)力多两分,是冲超的关键之战,不过,日之泉队开场仅15分钟便0比2落后,另外,在第88分钟,广东日之泉队又因后防失误招致门将李伟...
Rich than the rich 富富有余
He wanted to help them because he thought they were more honest than the rich people he knew.
The proportion of Americans who are foreign-born, at 13%, is higher than the rich-country average of 8.4%.
The poorest people may use less energy but actually pay proportionately more than the rich for energy services.
The nation, a former Australian colony, has a rich culture, where more than 850 indigenous languages are spoken, more than 10 percent of the world's total languages.
VOA: standard.2009.09.14
Almost more than anything else for me, it's fully being aware of the moment and it seems so rich all of a sudden.
The electrons are not equally shared and the carbon hogs the electrons a little bit more than the hydrogen, so the carbon is electron-rich and the hydrogen is just a little bit electron-deficient.