在最新的THE(Times Higher Education)世界大学排名中,怀卡托大学(University of Waikato)在所有成立时间50年内的大学中排名46位,相比2012年的排名提高了12位。
...众人都感想到了北京(Beijing)奥运会(Olympic Games)的精粹,从早先精彩纷呈(Brilliant)的闭幕式、特别的点火火把形式到各项(The)逐鹿的暂行开首,专家每天都感想到了北京奥运会的深刻空气,爱因斯坦相对论(1950年):E=MC的平方E=能量M=物质C=速度。
磁流变阻尼器的瞬态响应、力学模型及设计 第六届全国电磁流变液及其应用学术会议 (The 6th National Conference on Electro- rheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions) 是我国电磁流变液领域每两到三年...
The Sun 太阳报 ; 太阳 ; 英国太阳报 ; 艳阳
The Matrix 黑客帝国 ; 黑客帝国系列 ; 骇客任务 ; 骇客帝国
The Economist 经济学人 ; 经济学家 ; 经济学人杂志 ; 英国
The Apprentice 飞黄腾达 ; 学徒电视秀 ; 学徒 ; 学徒电视机秀
The Reader 生死朗读 ; 朗读者 ; 读爱
The Tempest 暴风雨 ; 狂风雨 ; 魔法风暴 ; 暴风雨专辑
The Bund 上海外滩 ; 上海滩 ; 外滩 ; 外滩画报
The Pianist 钢琴家 ; 钢琴师 ; 钢琴战曲 ; 战地琴人
The Godfather 教父 ; 喜爱的电影 ; 教父三部曲
DET You use the at the beginning of noun groups to refer to someone or something that you have already mentioned or identified. 用于名词词组前,指前面已经提及的人或物
Six of the 38 people were U.S. citizens.
DET You use the at the beginning of a noun group when the first noun is followed by an "of" phrase or a clause which identifies the person or thing. 当名词后接(of)词组或表明身份的从句时,该名词前用(the)
There has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat.
DET You use the in front of some nouns that refer to something in our general experience of the world. 用于某些表示人们共同经历的名词前
It's always hard to speculate about the future.
DET You use the in front of nouns that refer to people, things, services, or institutions that are associated with everyday life. 用于表示与日常生活有关的人、事物、服务或机构的名词前
The doctor's on his way.
DET You use the instead of a possessive determiner, especially when you are talking about a part of someone's body or a member of their family. 用于代替所有格限定词,尤其用于谈论身体部位或家庭成员
"How's the family?"—"Just fine, thank you."
DET You use the in front of a singular noun when you want to make a general statement about things or people of that type. 用于单数名词前,指某一类人或事物
An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.
DET You use the with the name of a musical instrument when you are talking about someone's ability to play the instrument. 用于乐器名称前,谈论某人是否会演奏该乐器
Did you play the piano as a child?
DET You use the with nationality adjectives and nouns to talk about the people who live in a country. 与表示国籍的形容词和名词连用,指该国国民
The Japanese, Americans, and even the French and Germans, judge economic policies by results.
DET You use the with words such as "rich," "poor," "old," or "unemployed" to refer to all people of a particular type. 表示一类人
Conditions for the poor in Los Angeles have not improved.
DET If you want to refer to a whole family or to a married couple, you can make their surname into a plural and use the in front of it. 用于姓氏的复数形式前,表示一家人或一对夫妇
The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect to do the work.
DET You use the in front of an adjective when you are referring to a particular thing that is described by that adjective. 用于形容词前表示该形容词描绘的事物
He knows he's wishing for the impossible.
DET You use the to indicate whether or not you have enough of the thing mentioned for a particular purpose. 表示所提及的东西是否有足够的量
She may not have the money to maintain or restore her property.
DET You use the with some titles, place names, and other names. 和称呼、地名等名称连用
...the Seattle Times.
...the White House.
...The Great Gatsby.
DET You use the in front of numbers such as first, second, and third. 用于序数词前
The meeting should take place on the fifth of May.
DET You use the in front of numbers when they refer to decades. 用于表示年代的数字前
It's sometimes hard to imagine how bad things were in the thirties.
DET You use the in front of superlative adjectives and adverbs. 用于形容词或副词最高级前
Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike.
DET You use the in front of each of two comparative adjectives or adverbs when you are describing how one amount or quality changes in relation to another. 用于两个形容词或副词的比较级前,表示其中一个随另一个发生数量或性质的变化
The longer the therapy goes on, the more successful it will be.
DET When you express rates, prices, and measurements, you can use the to say how many units apply to each of the items being measured. (表示速度、价格或计量) 每
...cars that get more miles to the gallon.
DET You use the to indicate that something or someone is the most famous, important, or best thing of its kind. In spoken English, you put more stress on it, and in written English, you often underline it or write it in capitals or italics. 表示某人或某物是最有名的、最重要的或最好的;口语中需要重读,书面语中常加下划线或用大写或斜体
The circus is the place to be this Saturday or Sunday.