the accelerating universe
...Telescope Science Institute)科学部门负责人, 曾发表超过三百篇的科学論文,并著有《加速的宇宙》(The Accelerating Universe)一书。
...(International Pythagoras Prize)和皮亚诺奖(Peano Prize);其著作还包括《加速膨胀的宇宙》(The Accelerating Universe)一书。
Just because dark energy is the leading explanation for the accelerating universe, it doesn't mean anyone actually understands what it is.
From this point of view these flat Spaces around us turn out to be one possible source of dark energy for the accelerating expansion of the Universe.
Three cosmologists have Shared a Nobel prize in physics for their discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.
When it's bolted onto the Blanco Telescope at the Cerro Tolodo Observatory in Chile next month the 570-megapixel Dark Energy Camera will survey some 300 million galaxies in the southern sky, measuring the speed at which they are moving apart with phenomenal accuracy, and giving the best description yet of the accelerating expansion of the Universe.
BBC: Getting the measure of dark energy
The list of top discoveries made with Hubble reads like the hit parade of astronomy: a mysterious new "dark energy" causing the accelerating expansion of the universe, distances to other galaxies, the supermassive black holes at their centers, the age of the universe, planet formation around other stars, searches for signs of extraterrestrial life -- and the list goes on.
CNN: Space is still the new frontier
Riess shared this year's prize with with fellow American Saul Perlmutter and the Australian Brian Schmidt for the discovery, back in 1998, that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.
BBC: Getting the measure of dark energy