d)4-中文片名: 收养 英文片名: The Adopted 国家地区: 法国 影片类型: 剧情片 资源格式: 720P 上影时间: 2011 导演: 梅拉尼·罗兰 Melanie /ShowFiasp?FileID=22
... 爱在彼端 » 다른 측면에서 사랑 鸟巢体育馆翻译 » bird's nest stadium translation 被收养 » The adopted ...
for 67 percent adopted by aliens - 电影 图片 收养(the adopted ) - 电影 图片 急需 电影《最后的莫西干人》的影评 要英文的 一定要英文的 字数800左右急需 电影《最后的莫西干人》的影评 要英文...
... 是去还是不去由你决定 » It is up to you to decide whether or not 被采用 » The adopted 愿意帮助别人 » Willing to help others ...
The Adopted Son 吉尔吉斯少年行
The Adopted Brother 收养的兄弟
adopted the puppy 领养小狗
adopted the activity-teaching approach 活动教学
the methods adopted 采用的方法
Steve Jobs the adopted son of a machinist;
Many people were killed, including the adopted daughter of Colonel Gadhafi.
Each reel contains pictures as MPEG-2 or JPEG 2000 essence, depending on the adopted codec.
每个卷里包含有类似MPEG - 2或JPEG 2000精髓的图片,这要看采用什么样的编码方式。
John Allan never officially adopted him as a son, but the boy became known as Edgar Allan Poe.
VOA: special.2009.02.02
It was gradually adopted by other countries through time and the United States didn't officially adopt it until 1900.
And so the mixed group that would join together to become Israel accepted Yahweh, though perhaps not exclusively, and adopted the national story of the Exodus as its own at some point.