《青铜时代》(The Age of Bronze), 科尔内利亚·西庇阿妮丝·阿非利卡娜(Cornelia Scipionis Africana)是罗马战胜迦太基的英雄,
the forepart of Bronze Age 早期青铜时代
以上来源于: WordNet
His first great piece The Age of Bronze was created at that time.
There had been four ages since the human world first cameinto being .They are the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Age of Bronze and the Age of Iron.
人类产生以来经历了四个时代: 黄金时代、白银时代、青铜时代、铁器时代。
Some of the sites that are said to be destroyed by Joshua and the Israelites weren't even occupied in this period, ; the late Bronze Age, beginning of the Iron Age; the Iron Age begins around 1200.
And finally, Barry Strauss says, "Ironically, the more Homer exaggerates, the more authentic he is as a representative of the Bronze Age."
From time to time, they wandered to Egypt or Mesopotamia often in search of pasture for their animals. And various details of their language, their customs, their laws, their religion, it's argued, seem to fit well into the period of the Late Bronze Age.