The apostle Paul wrote: " Get out from among them, and separate yourselves, says Jehovah, and quit touching the unclean thing ; and I will take you in.
From a prison cell the apostle Paul wrote, "Rejoice in the Lord always."
The apostle Paul wrote it sometime during his imprisonment in Rome, around A. D. 60-62.
The apostle Paul wrote it in about A. D. 60-62, while under house arrest in Rome and awaiting trial on an appeal to the Roman Emperor Nero.
使徒保罗于主后60 - 62年间所著,是时保罗在罗马被关押在监,等候上诉恺撒尼禄。
It's not the acts of all the apostles, it's the acts basically of Paul,and Paul's not considered an apostle by the guy who wrote the Acts of the Apostles.