杀手 中文名: 程序杀手 英文名: The App Killer 片长:90分钟上映年份:2012 中文名:发号施令 英文名:Childish Games 其它名:幼稚游戏 片长:-上映年份:2012 基于1个网页 - 相关
Unleashing the Killer App 释放杀手级应用 ; 释放的杀手级的应用
Love Is the Killer App 爱是杀人者的请求 ; 爱是杀手锏
Botnets The Killer Web App 网络程序杀手
the killer app 杀手级应用程序
The Net's real killer app is email.
Will we be using the internet for video on demand, will that be the killer app? Will millions of people wide watch this video right when they want to watch it?
The "killer app" of this car would be its acceleration.
So will we be using the internet for video on-demand, will that be the killer app? Will millions of people wide watch this video right when they want to watch it?