Think Python: an Introduction to Software Design was written by Allen B. Downey an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering.
《用Python思考:软件设计简明教程》是富兰克林·瓦特·欧林工程学院计算机科学院副教授Allen B.D owney编著的。
Think Python: An Introduction to Software Design was written by Allen B. Downey an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Franklin W. Olin College of
《Python 思想:软件设计介绍》的作者Allen B. Downey是富兰克林工程学院的计算机系副教授。 这本书提供很多版本,包括印刷版本(传送门)。
Koos Eissen is an associate professor at the Delft University of Technology and teaches freehand drawing classes at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.