... Let's go see The Killers 让我们去看杀手们 the bleachers 在露天看台认识他 I like you a lot lot 我非常非常喜欢你 ...
And I'm on the bleachers 而我只能在看台上观看 ; 而我支持棒球队 ; 我坐在看台 ; 我只能默默为你加油
I'm on the bleachers 而我支持棒球队 ; 而我只能默默为你加油
m on the bleachers 她是啦啦队队长
Im on the bleachers 而我支持棒球队
And Im on the bleachers 而我站在露天看台上
In the bleachers on site 站在看台上
And she'm on the bleachers 她是啦啦队队长
She took me to the bleachers in Fenway Park to watch Ted Williams play left field for the Boston Red Sox.
Don't judge the blips of flashing thoughts, simply observe them as if you were on the bleachers at a football game.
"I think that pilot in the last seconds pulled up because he saw the bleachers and saved about 200 or 300 others," Cissell said.