分别指出明信片左上方为收信人邮政编码(The addressee postal code),左下 方写书信的正文(The Body of Letter),右上方则贴上邮票(stamp),邮票下方 的三条线最上边的一条是写上收信人地址(delivery address),中间一条是写 收件人的名称(...
He uses a stethoscope to monitor his heart, attempting a stroke[1] of the letter only between beats, when his body is perfectly still.
They use a combination of letter spacing, word spacing, hyphenation and glyph scaling (i.e. very slightly adjusting the width of individual letters) to produce an even texture in the body copy.
Something told him that he could not peruse that letter in the presence of that body.
他把她轻轻放在地上,便走开了。 某种东西使他无法在这尸体面前念那封信。