...大的综合性博物馆;英国国立维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆是世界上最重要的艺术设计史博物馆。 大英博物馆(The British Museum)是世界历史最悠久、规模最大的综合性博物馆,收藏全球从原始时代到20世纪的800多万件文物珍宝。提供中文多媒体导游设备。
①不列颠博物馆(the british museum) : 英国伦敦不列颠博物馆, 中国人习称“大英博物馆” , 它是收藏世界各国古物最丰富的博物馆, 它的藏品, 几乎展现了所有文明...
迄今, 这部法典的泥板文献留存于伦敦大英 博物馆 ( the British Museum) , 是某无名者对这一法典条文的复制残品, 共有 20来行记号标注的 简短条文内容, 其中在接近第十行第 7条之处断裂为两个部分, 两部...
The British Museum Press 大英博物馆出版社 ; 大英博物馆新闻 ; 出版社
Library of the British Museum 大英藏书楼
visit the British Museum 参观英国博物馆
The British Museum Public Policy 沟通政策
At The British Museum 在大英博物馆
In The British Museum 在大英博物馆里
The British Museum Act 大英博物馆法案
go to the British Museum 去大英博物馆
The pictures have been reproduced by courtesy of the British Museum.
The most popular museum is the British Museum in London.
The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, formed the core collection of the British Museum which opened in 1759.
It is now at the British Museum in London.
VOA: special.2011.03.08
Speaking of the British Museum, could you tell us what it's like?
I was in The British War Museum, the Imperial War Museum the other day, and I'd been there four or five times, and I went--and they have a thing where you can look up dead people.