the burning bush(燃烧的荆棘):上帝从燃烧的荆棘中向摩西显现,荆棘被烈火燃烧,却丝毫没被烧毁。上帝以此异象显现神迹,让摩西坚定信仰,相信上帝的神力。
橙色底上面的金色十字象征着燃烧的灌木丛(the Burning Bush),出埃及记中说,上帝在燃烧的灌木丛的灌木丛中现身,向正在放羊的摩西布置了率领以色列人出埃及的任务,同时这也象征着圣蒙戈的...
Moses and the Burning Bush 摩西和燃烧的荆棘丛
This commentator claims Mt Sinai is in Arabia and is where Moses saw the burning bush.
So following the theophany at the burning bush, Moses returns to Egypt, and he initiates what will become ultimately a battle of wills between Pharaoh and God.
I always thought Moses sinned merely by striking the rock which somehow, like the burning bush of years earlier (see Exodus 3), was a manifestation of the presence of God.
So following the theophany at the burning bush, Moses returns to Egypt, and he initiates what will become ultimately a battle of wills between Pharaoh and God.
After crossing, the Israelites then celebrate the Passover, and that makes a strong link then to the Exodus led by Moses, also at the time of the first Passover. Moses had a vision of God at the burning bush. He was told to remove his shoes, his sandals, because he was on holy ground.