the business diversification 企业多元化经营 Motivation of Business Diversification 多元化动机 ..
Desperate to goose business, Hagan fell into the diversification trap in 2004, spending $2 million to buy Slim &Tone, a competitor to the ubiquitous express workout chain Curves.
对这笔金鹅生意心灰意冷的Hagan在2004年又陷入了多样化的陷阱,耗资200万美元收购了Slim &Tone公司,这家公司是随处可见的快递训练连锁Curves公司的对手。
Engaging in diversification or insisting on single business operation, which is an important strategic decisions which the enterprises must be faced with in the process of their development.
After all, business-school casebooks are full of stories about fashionable companies that, in search of diversification, stretched their brand names past the breaking point.